LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – PlayStation 4

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – PlayStation 4

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes – PlayStation 4

0 comments 📅30 October 2014, 01:50

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes features an original story crossing all the Marvel families. Players take control of Iron Man, Spider-Man, The Hulk, Captain America, Wolverine and many more Marvel characters as they try to stop Loki and a host of other Marvel villains from assembling a Super weapon which they could use to control the Earth. Players will chase down Comic Bricks as they travel across a LEGO New York and visit key locations from the Marvel universe such as Stark Tower, Asteroid M, an abandoned Hydra Base and the X-Mansion.Smash, swing and fly in the first LEGO videogame featuring more than 100 of your favorite super heroes and super villains from the Marvel Universe

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